greetings from bad haircut

11 June 2024

my god.. can you believe... she's coding...

there has to be a better way to make entries than just typing them directly into vscode, but i don't really feel like figuring that out right now? lol. welcome to my new website! i have been playing with this lil thang for a couple of days teaching myself how html/css (i am not bothering with java lol). i'm sure that i will learn more and want to change it all the time, but i was just so TIRED of miss World of Text taking 100 years to load and being almost impossible to see on mobile :/. imagine wanting people to see your emotions so bad that you make your own website lol

but yes... the rumors are true... i got a bad haircut today. UGHHH!! it's my fault ultimately for being a little too vague about how much length i was willing to let go of, but my sexy mullet has become a gay overgrown pixie... devastating. i put way too much weight into how my hair looks, because my mood is like directly related to whether or not i feel like my hair looks good. i used to think i no longer experienced gender-related dysphoria... but then i got a bad haircut!!!!!!!!! i will live but it sucks!!!!!

i'm still working my ass off and ignoring all my friends (sorry guys love you) but i'm getting LESS exhausted, and crying less. i'm gonna take that as a massive W. i can't figure out what my emotions are doing rn because they're so all over the place, but i have a feeling i'm just having a hard time with the change in routine. also.. being in charge. eek!

i'm mostly writing this right now so i can keep messing with the layout and everything. i hope it's legible? i'm gonna miss getting little comments from time to time.. i'll have to see if i can figure out how to add a guestbook..

ok that's it! ciao for now! lol

☆ status
feeling: dehydrated
eating: nothing u_u
drinking: fiance's 2L of diet cola